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Beautiful sites you can visit during your vacation to Yangon

Yangon city in Myanmar is a remarkable sight you must see and also a place to be. It has deep rooted celebrated cultures and traditions, scenic temples and colonial temples. Definitely if you are wondering the kind of place which you can visit during your vacation so as to relieve yourself from daily stress then this is a place you should go. Once you have arrived at Myanmar since you will be headed to Yangon, you would wish to get the best Yangon restaurant where you can eat the best foods. If you research around you will be able to realize that Karaweik Palace is the best Restaurant preferred by many people where you can eat the most delicious meals

This Yangon restaurant is also centrally placed and surrounded by numerous tourists’ attraction sites which you can visit during daytime. Some of such places you can easily access within Yangon city are:

Secretariate building

This is one of the best sites which you can visit once you are in Yangon. This building is bounded the Bo Aung Kyaw Street to the West, Maha Bandoola Road to the South, Theinbyu to the East, Anawrahta Road to the North. It was built in the year 1800 as a home to the British Administrator in Burma. This is the place where General Aung San and 6 other cabinet ministers were assassinated on 1947, July 19. Once you visit it you will be able to learn more about the ancient rulers who ruled Burma(Myanmar) during the colonial period.

Swe Taw Myat pagoda

It is also known as Buddha tooth relic pagoda. It’s one of the recent place of worship for the Myanmar people. This pagoda was funded by Buddhists around the world and Burmese people. It was constructed to enshrine the Buddha tooth relic which is believed to be ones of the teeth for Gautama Buddha who died about 2,500 years ago. The tooth of Buddha was brought from China in the year 1994 and placed in this pagoda for around 45 days do that the local Burmese Buddhists could pay homage.

When you approach this pagoda you will be able to see numerous stalls where devotees buy incense sticks and flowers so that they can pay homage to the relic