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The Best Meals Which You Can Eat at Karaweik Palace

Yangon is one of the best countries in southern Asia which many people like to this due to the numerous tourist attraction sites. One of the famous landmarks in Yangon is Karaweik Hall which is popularly known as Karaweik Palace. If you look at this palace from a distance, you’ll realize that it resembles a golden, huge barge that floats on Kandawgyi lake glittering and dazzling in the rays of the sun.


At the Kawaweik Palace, you can be able to eat a buffet dinner Yangon with your family and friends. So many people who visit Yangon like this palace as it has a friendly staff.


Classic monhingar

This’s one of the famous traditional hot dishes which you can be served in Myanmar. It’s a fragrant fish soup which has many subtle flavors. If you happen to visit the Karaweik Palace, then you’ll get to know that they offer many delicious variations from all over the country which you can choose from.


Arakan Monhingar

At the Karaweik palace, you’ll be served a monhingar together with a deeply fried pork cracking that can offer you a wonderfully mutty and rich flavor.


Mawlamyaing Monhingar

You can enjoy you monhingar with mint leaves, long beans, bean sprouts and fried peas which can be accompanied with a fragrant homemade tamarind sauce.